Its Me

Intrepid mountaineer, rubbish swimmer but sea lover, mud sponge, essence of tumble dryer, babe magnet, friendly camper, nosey neighbour, joker, towel eater, frog hunter, playboy traveller, valiant explorer, conscientious pooper and all round good egg

Tuesday 27 May 2014

I luvs crispies

Smokey Bacon

Camping at South Farm- whats camping I said?

Its brilliant, you can share jokes.
This is when my dad did a fart joke. It was so funny I nearly did a wee.
This is when i did a rasberry.. snigger.
Then we went to some Pub thingies, where i did some sitting and sleeping and finked about the meaning of  'babe magnet'

Then i did jump in in the Buttycups n stuff.
I loves camping..