Its Me

Intrepid mountaineer, rubbish swimmer but sea lover, mud sponge, essence of tumble dryer, babe magnet, friendly camper, nosey neighbour, joker, towel eater, frog hunter, playboy traveller, valiant explorer, conscientious pooper and all round good egg

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Samoyed Coat

I is extremely disappointed that my dad did buy me this coat fing from China.
How is I supposed to wee. pffft
I will bite it off when dad is not looking...
(Note from Dad...Brilliant - promise to stop laughing soon)

Monday, 1 December 2014

Newhaven under the cliffs

Today I did went to the sea and here is some photygraphs of me larking about

Giant puddles everywhere

I like splashing

I was havin to check the depths of some of the watery bits cos they was deeper than a hole

This limpet thing was heading for a crash wiv a winkle - I didn't hang about cos I got bored waitin.

Newhaven Lighthouse is not very light

Yellow cliffs with a secret cave that i did sneak a looksy in

'Barnacle Bills' hurts my feeties

I did like this pool so i did jump in it

Crabs everywhere but them buggers is all under water

I did teach this ball a lesson for turnin up on our shores

top view of my head

Shame I cant drink this cos it makes me poo and sick

Yoiks.. I did bonk into dad