Its Me

Intrepid mountaineer, rubbish swimmer but sea lover, mud sponge, essence of tumble dryer, babe magnet, friendly camper, nosey neighbour, joker, towel eater, frog hunter, playboy traveller, valiant explorer, conscientious pooper and all round good egg

Friday, 10 October 2014

Sheep Proofing

I am now officially sheep proofed.
Whats that? I hear you say.
Well after my Peak District walks I was told that I was...erm....rubbish with sheep .pfft. so the weekend after, I found my self comfortably sitting in the car expecting an nice walk in the countryside.

Then wonder upon wonders I did spy some sheepsy's at a farmyard where we stopped - some where having their hair cut off by a man with a buzzing thingy - (I didnt like the idea of that) some were wandering about aimlessly in a field n stuff... I did luv them all and wanted to play.

Well after an half hour of special treatment I didn't want to chase/play with them any more. My dad said it was 30 quids well spent (whatever that is supposed to mean) and we can apparently go to a place called Ashdown Forest now where they also have sheepsy's that I also wont be chasing.

If you want to be like me - try..

Phone: 07771 710134
Address: Tobin Bird
Woodside Farm
Iden Green
TN17 4EZ

Message from dad: Does anyone know any local deer herders?


  1. What is all involved in the sheep-proofing? I had a friend in Seattle who had his Samoyed's participate in sheep herding and it involved a stern lady with a whistle and a really big stick

    1. Probably the same thing. involved a sheherd with plastic bottles filled with gravel and a lot of faith in Tylor. He was put in a small holding pen with five sheep then a barrage of plastic bottles was rained down on him the moment he went to approach them (all very painless but i guess, scary).
      After a couple of rounds of this the shepherd deemed Tylor cured and we were put into a field with 2 sheepdogs and 25 sheep where the dogs then drove the sheep at Tylor. What th.. no response from Tylor at all. As a final test Tylor was let loose in a field with a flock of say 250 sheep with the aformentioned dogs driving the gnashing sheep at him - a brilliant cure, I can now trust him implicitly and have put him to the test on several occaisions. All i need now is a trusting deer herder

  2. Thanks for the explanation...Sounds like it was well worth the time and money
