Its Me

Intrepid mountaineer, rubbish swimmer but sea lover, mud sponge, essence of tumble dryer, babe magnet, friendly camper, nosey neighbour, joker, towel eater, frog hunter, playboy traveller, valiant explorer, conscientious pooper and all round good egg

Saturday, 22 August 2015

26K Hike on the North Downs Taking in Wye and Chilham

Saturday 22nd August 2015

Brae had been a good boy and earned his special walking harness - he is not the 'master of disaster' yet but working his way up

Brae did see a fesant, flying fingy that he wanted to eat

It was so hot that we were playing a game called 'who can be the best shadow' Frank did win cos he is

It was a very big hill that we wanted to wun down, but we would have had to wun up we didn't do that.

We helped pull dad along the grass

Ha.Ha. I did spy some sheepsys trying to hide from me. They were rubbish cos one went baaaaaaaaaaaaa.

We pertended to be a train, It was Braes turn to be the enjin and Franks turn to be the guards van. It was my turn to roll in poop, so I did.

Brae said my face stinked like poop so he wasn't going to talk to me

Frank and Wilson said my face stinked like poop so they were not going to talk to me eever.

I is smiling cos I eated a banana - Wilson is sticking his tung out cos he has got a spot stuck on it.

Me and Brae had a barf in this troff thing. It was full of weeds and water.

We is a 2 headed dog.      arf......arf

We stopped for a swim in the river Stour.

Me, Frank and Wilson telled dirty jokes to eachuvver cos Brae had gone away - (he is too little for them jokes)

This is a rural scene wiv and combine arvester in it. I watched as it gobbled up the rape seed. What a piggy

We was knackered so I had 40 winks - then we went to the pub and I had anuvver 40 winks - Brae cant count yet so he had to stay awake.

This is where we did go - thanks Tony for the colouring-in

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