Its Me

Intrepid mountaineer, rubbish swimmer but sea lover, mud sponge, essence of tumble dryer, babe magnet, friendly camper, nosey neighbour, joker, towel eater, frog hunter, playboy traveller, valiant explorer, conscientious pooper and all round good egg

Monday, 28 September 2015

Day of the Blood Moon

 Hargate Forest and the Blood Moon

This is the second pond we did find to jumpsy in - I telled Brae not to drink it but he said that he wasn't and that he was huffing at it to create steam like a dragon. I finked he was stupid so i telled him to get out....

This was me - it was lonely without Brae huffing in the water.

I asked mum to chase me - but she didn't hear me cos she has got hair over her earholes.

I shouted at a squiggle-fing to come down out of the tree but it didn't cos Brae would have eated it wiv his teef

Brae telled me a blow-off joke but it wasnt funny

Brae wunned away and came back again - but this time he cummed back as a wolf

We did do sum jousting.....erm.........without..........lances

There was a blood moon and dad said we could go and howl at it, so i sticked my tung out and dribbled

Brae grumbled a bit which sounded like a rubbish howl.

In the morning, the moon was still floatin about in the sky

There was also sumfing floating in a tree, so we looked really hard to see if we could spot it

  Dad said i had to sit down in front of the moon cos it was a special one.

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