Its Me

Intrepid mountaineer, rubbish swimmer but sea lover, mud sponge, essence of tumble dryer, babe magnet, friendly camper, nosey neighbour, joker, towel eater, frog hunter, playboy traveller, valiant explorer, conscientious pooper and all round good egg

Monday, 29 June 2015

Saturday Wash and Brush-up

Tylor gets a wash and brush up ready for his holiday in the Brecon Beacons

My dad said I had stinky trowsers so I was havin a barf

This is my forlorn look - my mum said I looked gaunt, so she did give me sweeties

Then I was all puffed dry and dad maked me sit on a seat

I is really noble now - sitting in the sun keeping an eyeball on them scallywag cats.

This is The Black Minion - i finks he is hatching an egg

This is Mister Pippin - he is squashing dads plants - for fun

I did lay down and finked about ....................erm.................nope,..... my head is empty.


so I got back in the seat  'My Royal Throne' again

Friday, 26 June 2015

Late for work

That Friday Feeling

I dont care what is says on the sign.... i is not getting up to dance.

Today I is grumpy pants cos I was not allowed to scoff the cat food.

I did go to the park before work

AAAAARRRRGGGG these weeds is lovely - it looks like somebody setted fire to the grass.

The sun cummed out and i did run accross the field

Then I went to work - dads desk is very untidy so I licked the dust bin for him

Monday, 15 June 2015

Tylor car-surfing


Ashdown Forest - Orchid Hunt

A Sunday afternoon stroll through the hilly side of Ashdown Forest - on the hunt for the Spotted Orchid

I eated my dinner up and needed a walk cos I did some smelly farts in the car. (mum gived me sweeds and vegyballs with my Sunday roast)

This is a path that went down a hill ...........................Just saying.

I finked I could see my house from here then I sniffed some grass

The sky looked like it was full of rain - good job I had a warm coat on.

I did meet a naughty doggy who made me jump into a dirty puddle....lots of times

Huzzaar - I finded a common spotted orchid

Monday, 1 June 2015

Jevington - Cuckmere Haven - Seven Sisters - Birling Gap - Eastbourne

May 2015 Walk - 22km circular

This is the Cuckmere Haven where there was sheepsys and a river that looked like a giant wriggly worm.

Does our arse look big in this?

I runded so fast down these steps that I becomed a blurr..

Me and Lasky trying to squeeze past Wilsons bum - Lasky did win cos he is bigger than me.

I rund down the hill - then I rund up the hill - then I rund down the hill - then I deserved a poo.

This walk made me very HAPPY

My dad tied me to a fence so I could stand still long enough to properly look at the Coastguards cottajes - I'm not really looking... pfft pfft.
(Note from Dad: Tylor your spelling/grammar is terrible)
(Note from Tylor: Dad.....I'm a dog you eejit)

Jumping in the back of Seven Sisters number 2

Sticking my tongue out on Seven Sisters number 4

Laying down on a anuvver Seven Sister cos I was bit knackered and one of my ears did blow away

I photo-bombed a

Then me and my dad photo-bombed the light-house

Frank, Wilson, Tilly, Tolly, Me and Lasky did find a normouse puddle to drink. Wilson showed off by swimming in it. I did larf cos I had already had a wee in it.
When we go out together we have special posse names - in da crib left to right..
'Bumpy-Dyke-Jumper', 'Bitey-Bitey-Bitey', 'Beardy-White-Beard' , 'Babyface-Run-Boy-Run' and Babylon-Black-Boots

This is my new Julius K9 harness - its well comfy. Some eejit lady thought it was my name but did give me a cuddle anyway. I did lick her face and it tasted of pudding.

Me and Lasky shooting the breeze looking out over Eastbourne - we shared a scrummy apple together.

I did fall to sleep on the way home

Iffin you is interested - this is where we did go.
My good friend Tony coloured it in so we didn't get lost.